Praying and Doing

Praying and Doing

Six years ago, just after Brexit, a friend and I traveled across Russia on the TransSiberian express.It was the journey of a lifetime. We stopped off in several cities along the way, and met some amazing people. They were so anxious to know what we thought of Russia, and so delighted when we said, in […]

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The Importance of Values

The Importance of Values

I’ve talked about values in the past. So it’s not a new subject. But each time I share a subject that I’ve shared before, there’s a new perspective and a new way of looking at it. Today, I wanted to talk about values and context because our values are important to us. They provide a […]

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Embracing Samhain

Embracing Samhain

Samhain in ancient times, the first of November, was a significant festival. Because it’s our halfway point, it’s halfway between the equinox, the time when night and day are of equal length, and the Solstice, which is when night and day of there are at their most unequal. Of course, if you’re in the northern […]

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Take Control of Your Thinking

Take Control of Your Thinking

How to take control of your thinking and is it an essential part of developing and managing our lives? Huna is a Rocket FuelThe processes in Huna are fast and brilliant, high-speed healing processes. A client does describe them to me as rocket fuel. She goes into the Huna process, and within seconds, minutes, whatever she’s […]

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Why Do We Need To Heal Old Hurts And Wounds

Why Do We Need To Heal Old Hurts And Wounds

Why it’s important that we heal our old wounds? Why it’s important that we acknowledge our old wounds, and why it’s important that we heal our old wounds?Why it’s important that we heal our old wounds? I passionately believe that this pandemic, this crisis that we’re all going through, is a brilliant opportunity for us to […]

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Taking Control in Crisis and Change

Taking Control in Crisis and Change Video

The reason that I wanted to talk about taking control of your life, in these times of crisis and change is that as I look around, I’m seeing politicians everywhere. So Trump, Boris Johnson in the UK, but all around in many parts of the world, I’m seeing politicians talk about the need to take […]

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Using Huna to Heal Trauma

Using Huna to Heal Trauma

Healing trauma is one of the most important things that we can do.  I am not a medical doctor. I am a PhD sort of a doctor, and I should also make it clear that when I talk about trauma, the definition I’m using is not the tight definition of DSM-V, that’s the American Psychiatric […]

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Leadership Presence and Women Leaders

Leadership Presence and Women Leaders

Today, I wanted to talk about women and leadership. Last time, we talked about a scary woman and I thought today women and leadership would be a good topic. From my experience, I see a lot of women stepping into their leadership potential, and stepping into their leadership presence is something that they sometimes struggle […]

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On Being a Scary Woman!

On Being a Scary Woman!

Today’s topic is all about being a scary woman. This thought came about because one of my coaching clients was coming to the end of her coaching, and as we were doing the feedback and the wrap-up. She commented that, at the beginning of the programme, she’d regarded me as a scary woman. Her knowledge of […]

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Synchronicity is coincidence that has a meaning. Why is synchronicity important and useful? Why should we think about synchronicity? It can be really useful in helping you determine your path, whether you’re on the path or whether you’re diverting from the path. It can be useful to help you in making decisions. Decisions about whether […]

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