Discovering Your Pure Potential


Well, aloha everyone and welcome. I wanted to talk to you today about a model that I’ve come across to do with potential.

I’ve been in London for the last five, six days working and I’m really glad to be back home because with being way in Hawai’i, it feels like I’ve been away forever and it’s really nice to sleep in your own bed sometimes.

While I was in London I was coaching at the One Woman Conference. This is the brainchild of Dr. Joanna Martin. Jo has put this amazing set of programs together and what they’re really all designed to do, is support women in really stepping up and becoming the change they want to see in the world. And doing it without burning out or stepping into perpetual superwoman.

Now, I don’t know about you, but for a long time, I lived my life in superwoman. I got extremely burned out. It contributed to my depression and I’m really glad that I stepped out of it completely when I started my own business.

But superwoman can be a real demon and superwoman can really get in the way of us, exploring our own potential.

Now as part of the work that I do with One Of Many, a group of in-house coaches, we’re on the road to improve our coaching skills dramatically. And we’re working with a woman called Lisa and Lisa is a most stunning coach. She’s probably one of the best coaches I’ve ever come across.

We were working with Lisa yesterday and she was talking to us about, a model called the Pure Potential Model. And I found this model really fascinating and I hope you will too.

In the Pure Potential Model, there are four levels of Pure Potential.

The First Level is Personal Potential

So that’s us, you doing what you want to do, bundling through life, living your gifts, life’s going pretty much how you want it to be. You’re living your potential to your personal limit, probably living most of the time in your comfort zone.

The Second Level is Greater Potential

Greater Potential is when you start to step out of your comfort zone and start doing things that make a difference to the community.

So it might be starting a project that changes something in your community. For example, one of the women on Lead The Change, which is one of the One Of Many programs for women, has started a movement to get the whole of her town to move off single-use plastics, which I think is just amazing.

She’s doing that as a result of doing the Lead The Change program. And that’s really stepping up into your Greater Potential.

The Third Level is Profound Potential

Profound Potential is where you really become, a role model and where the whole thing that you create with your potential is bigger than you.

It’s where the goal really starts to matter, not just in your immediate community but in the wider community. Perhaps moving from a town to the county, or the county even to a region or a district.

The Fourth Level is Pure Potential

Pure Potential really is looking at the question of how might the human collective consciousness, shift to this way of thinking?

So taking, for example, the lady who has started a movement to get rid of single-use plastic in her town, how might that shift not just her town, not just her region, or her country even, which is Ireland but the wider community across the planet?

Really getting them to take her ideas and move forward on them.

Now for a lot of this, that space of Pure Potential is pretty difficult to even conceive. And for many of us, it’s too comfortable to live in that first stage of Personal Potential. So really today, I’m talking to you about what happens when you move up, when you step up, into that next level at the very least, to Greater Potential.

I’ve had to start to think about that, in terms of my teaching of Huna.

So for ages with my teaching of Huna, I’ve been very happy to live in the Personal Potential zone. And it’s become very obvious to me that my purpose on the planet, is to bring that to a higher level.

In the UK, there are a couple of people teaching Huna but mostly what they’re teaching is weekends at most and what I want to do is to start teaching proper retreats, five-day retreats, which if you went to Hawai’i, you do them in nine, ten days. Doing them over here, because I’m not teaching, Hula the dance, we can do them in five but it is really stepping up and bringing the ideas of Huna to a much wider audience in the UK.

Because I want to empower people, women in particular but people in general, to take the amazing tools and techniques that Huna offers and embody them in their lives, apply them in their lives and be empowered to use them for themselves. Teach them to their own kids, teach them to their own families, use them in their own communities.

When you have a purpose, when your purpose is clear, it’s so much easier to feel motivated. So my question to you is;

What’s your bigger purpose that will enable you to live at a higher level of potential than the one that you’re currently living at?

Is it, for example, your bigger purpose, is it for example that you want to see your, grandchildren graduate from university? If it’s something like that, is there a way in which you can support the wider community of kids who are in your grandchildren’s generation so that they can get to university?

Is it about supporting kids who are disadvantaged so they can get to university? Maybe you have a vision for your community. How can you step up and make that vision start to happen in your community?

One of the things that’s become very clear to me is with these visions, it’s almost impossible to do them on your own. We all need support, we all need help and that means communicating the vision to as many people as possible.

Getting people to buy into it and getting people to then share it themselves and to participate and feel engaged and want to be a part of it. How can you do that?

Because when you have a purpose and when you make that purpose to be bigger than you, it’s amazing how much more vibrant the world becomes. It becomes a bit scarier but it also becomes more vibrant and more joyful.

It’s much easier to motivate yourself, much easier to get yourself out of bed when you’ve got that something that’s bigger than you, more meaning than just you and actually is going to make a wider difference in the world.

So again, my question for you today. What might your bigger purpose be? The one that is that a bit bigger than you? That bit bigger than just why you’re here, for yourself and your family. The one that’s going to really, take you out of your comfort zone and kick you up to the next level. At least one level, even if it’s the Greater Potential level or perhaps even beyond that, the Profound Potential Level.

What’s the purpose that you might have that would kick you up to the next level? Talk to you soon.

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