Sarah Sienkiewicz
One of the attendees of my last “Secret Art Of Huna Live” workshops was Sarah Sienkiewicz who kindly made this video to tell you all about it. If you would like to come along to the next workshop, click here to find out more.
Hi, Sarah Sienkiewicz here of and I’m making this video as a testimonial for the Secret Art of Huna workshop that I went on yesterday with Jane Lewis.
I wasn’t sure what to expect when I turned up for the day but it was a really fantastic workshop, really interesting and transformational. So I wanted to share the story of how I’m feeling today, the day after.
We did lots of release work and forgiveness and you know, I’ve done a lot of personal development over the years, done a lot of work on that kind of stuff, so I was feeling fairly ok about things.
I didn’t really feel like there was sort of a big deep burning issue for me to work on so I was interested to see what would emerge, and what would unfold afterwards… and I feel really light today. I feel full of joy.
I feel like I released quite a lot of the sadness that I didn’t realise was still kind of in my heart and when I look back now on certain relationships, I can feel really blessed to have had those relationships and really full of love for those people and fine to let them go.
Whereas before yesterday, I still had that tinge, although I wasn’t necessarily consciously aware of it, I still had that tinge of either regret or loss or sadness around that and that’s gone.
It feels so liberating.
It feels like my heart is really kind of renewed and full of light and love and yes, it’s a wonderful feeling!
I highly recommend going – obviously everyone’s going to have a very different experience but I thought I would share that my experience there, was that it was very transformational.
It was a wonderful safe space, held very beautifully by Jane and in a sort of honoured, sacred way which I really appreciated.
I just highly recommend going if you’re curious about learning different techniques, different meditations, and finding out more about the Huna culture because it is really fascinating. So enjoy and I will catch up with you soon!